Sunday 31 July 2011

Gays - Why the need for the act?

Why do Gay guys feel the need the carry on so feminine? Although i have no issue with people who like the same sex, i have an issue when they feel the need to portray someone else. The makeup, the clothes, the stance, the walk, the attitude the bitchyness, the hand motions and the theartrical sayings and voices. Again, i have no issue with someone finding love or comfort in the arms of someone of the same sex. I just feel that gay men portray this 'gay' idea of what a gay man should be and i believe this is why they have so many 'haters'
Is this the way that society has portrayed gays in film and stage so then all young gay men feel they must act this way because society tells them its how they should act? Spending hours on their hair and their need to wear eyeliner and foundation and their super tight clothes and shoes and their high pitched voices and over the top 'Sweetie' and 'Darl' etc etc.
Or is it that when created  men are given certain more 'pink water' then 'blue water' that makes them gay in the first place and then some are given even more 'pink water'  - making them essesentially a form of 'girl'? Is this why only certain amounts of gay men are into dancing and singing and over the top stage acting? Is it the creation that makes these guys a girl gay?
Or is it that being gay is still a very sacred thing and not completely accepted or allowed  - meaning not all gays have come out, leaving the gay nation smaller and more competitive then what it will be in years to come, making the 'current' open gays feel they need to pull out all stops in order to be noticed and stand out and be aknowledged as a gay man?
This world is full of homophobics and there is always an outcry when a gay is hurt or 'teased' but have they done this to themselves? Are gays picked on because of how over the top in your face they are rather then that they are infact into men? Would we be more accepting if they were just gay without all this added show and your everyday bloke whi just happens to have a boyfriend?
I for one believe this world would accept gays better if they dropped the drama, the makeup the attention seeking antics and false persona. I have personally seen how a gay man who is still your average man is treated compared to how a girly gay is treated - Worlds of difference, the normal (for use of a better word) gay is accepted in sporting teams, straight male circle of friends and can go about his worklife, daily life and social life without the neagtivity and lack of acceptance. The girly gays i have encounted have an outward 'happieness' in order to cope with the lack of acceptance in their lives, work, social, sporting and general daily life. They come across as 'super' in order to deal with the emotional and physical abuse that comes with their feminine attitudes.
One example of an over the top girl gay who truly does my head in and is one of the reasons why i cannot stand GLEE is the gay character on the show - Whether this is the way he must act or his true persona - He is not helping this gay stereotype one little bit!

I understand that this post may rub some people the wrong way and provide me with some colourful replies, however its something that needs to be put out there for myself to have a fuller understanding on why people (gays) feel the need to act this way. This post is not to offend or upset anyone in anyway.

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