Thursday 21 July 2011

Children.... Naughty or in need?

So i was sitting at the Dr's yesterday and was watching a disturbing scene play out in front of me that left me wondering - Are kids in fact naughtier these days OR are they in need of help AND should someone say something.  The situation from what i saw was a little boy about 4 or 5 waiting with his mother, the little boy was quite abusive towards her, punching her with such viciousness that it had all of us in the waiting room stunned. This child, was out to hurt his mother, the one solid person in his life, he was out to hurt. He proceeded to kick her in the shins with such force the poor woman was close to tears. This child was out of control until an older lady sat down and got involved. She was able to get him to stand with her and focus on a brochure, however once that focus was broken he was back to being a terror child. It made me wonder, is this something this child was born with and will forever be a danger to himself and others or is it what he has spent his few years witnessing via home life or TV or is that without proper parental guidance a child will act out in however way they can in order for attention? If its the first one, then what help is there to actually help this child and I'm not talking about days spent popping numerous 'drugs' for ADD or ADHD etc but help that is going to allow him to grow out of this destructive behaviour so he doesn't become the next prime time news? All children deserve the best start at life and being dependant on a drug for the rest of their lives, isn't curing the problem or allowing them a better life, its band-aiding it and providing the future with more miss fits and legal troubles. If its the second option then what sort of parental guidance is needed to prevent young impressionable minds watching violent TV or even worse watching violent behaviour at home. It is just a vicious cycle that will continue until someone makes the effort, comes up with a new teaching device that will help kids sort out what is right and wrong rather then having no guidance and learning what they see, assuming that its the right way and then grow to be violent towards their partner, kids or anyone they have a conflict with. If its the third option, then what is out there (other then DOCS) that actually care enough and able to monitor potential 'threat' situations where a parent does not have time, care or energy to properly parent and give a growing child the affection and right attention they so badly need and deserve?
It seems to me that everyone has given up on the human race and the daily struggles we all go through, especially the future of our world (the kids). The Dr's, the researchers and academics should be using their smarts and find a 'cure' the this ever increasing child violence and bad parenting before the world is full of jobless, uneducated thugs.

J x

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