Tuesday 19 July 2011

Property Manager Hats

I have decided to join the world of blogging. This decision came to me when 2 nights ago, i received very little sleep due to my brain failing to shut off. My head was comsumed with thoughts, ideas and some other very random items. Yesterday i wrote down some of these thoughts and was surprised at how well i slept last night. My brain was at peace. Hence my turn at blogging.......
I thought i would begin this new activity with some issues i have come across with being a Property Manager.
I get all the time 'your just a property manager' as though my job role is some what insignificant compared to others out there. I had dwelled on this comment for some time and it was only the other day my colleague was commenting on how many 'hats' we have to wear in this job and how much the job has evolved from 10 or so years ago.
For instance, we usually on a daily basis have to wear hats such as Relationship counsellor, Debt collector, Friend, Mother, Sister, Psychologist, Therapist, Financal adviser the list goes on. With all these hats we are never thanked or appreciated for the extra work we have put in for the tenants and the usual case is not only do they not thank us, they are back in here with another break up or general sob story  that we not them, have to sort out for them, they have no money due to paying a bill or buying food for their child or children..........
Alot of our tenants are on the lower pay side, meaning, they dont have a great deal to their name or to their homes. Most of our tenants make the most of this and its heart warming to see this, it makes me sit back and wonder what i have to worry or complain about, i have a roof over my head, a job that pays my bills and allows me to have a fun life, i have a partner who is there for me, i have a family who would never disown me and loves me no matter what, i have people in my life that i cherish and adore yet i still find myself complaining and whinging that i dont have this or that - This is when one of my down and out tenants come in, doing their best and i come crashing back down to earth and start to appreciate what i have. My tenants may not thank me for my help and i may have to wear a million hats to keep up with them and keep them on track but their thanks comes in a different form to words, they make me appreciate the life i have been given, they make me a better person and they make me better at my job for having to be a shoulder to cry on, a problem solver etc etc.
I have come to realise that it is actually me that needs to thank them for allowing me to see things clearer and for allowing me to grow and help someone without a benefit to myself.

I love my job and everything in entails, the drama, the issues, the laughter and sometimes the crying. My job is tough, its exhausting, its upsetting but its fantastic and rewarding in its own twisted little way. 

J x

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