Thursday 18 August 2011


My consistent outbursts, lack of smiles and anger issues on this Friday Morning have had my colleagues plead with me to write a blog and get it our of my system. I however am unsure as to what is causing my morning mood swings. I have however narrowed it down to a number of things:

1. Hunger
2. Arriving at work later then normal
3. Tenants unable to think for themselves
4. Beenleigh Drivers

The first point is usually the reason for my mood swings. I eat alot, all the time and failing to do so results in me reverting to cave man style and grunting at everyone. I normally have my breakfast ready to go, preplanned and sorted. This morning however, i just didn't feel like eating my usual scrambled eggs and sausage so i took myself to Beenleigh Maccas and ordered a Hot chocolate and a toasted ham, cheese and tomato sandwich. Upon getting these items i took myself to work and had my sandwich and hot chocolate. However not only did the McDonald's attendants fail in the art of cutting a sandwich in two, they failed to live up to the HOT in the hot chocolate which was almost luke warm at best. For someone who loves their food and enjoys eating, this just irritated me which ensured my bad mood was here to stay.

Point 2 - I make a point of getting to work early, this is so i get settled, eat some food, plan my day, sort my desk, surf the net and in general get my head ready for whatever the day wishes to throw at me. With the Maccas debacle and waiting for AMART to turn up in their allocated 7:30am -8:00am time slot (which they didn't) i arrived at work at 22 past 8. Giving me little time to prepare myself. This is where my mood went south. I was late, unprepared and had crappy food!

Point 3 - I started to get over my food issue when i started getting calls from tenants about the most ridiculous items and items that were written in easy to understand black writing and simple english. By the end of these conversations my response to them was - Why am i wasting 60cents to send you a letter if your not going to read it and instead call me and have me read it to you like your a preschooler needing your afternoon book.

This brings me to Point 4 - A constant issue that is a pet hate of mine and only boils me up further if already in a mood, if your not confident on the road then stay off it. Some of us need to get to places on time and despite leaving early due to the Beenleigh drivers, i always end up late to wherever I'm headed. Sunday is for slow relaxing drives, not during the week in a busy town centre! Seriously people i past my driving test and have a good record, CLEARLY this proves driving is not hard!

While this has helped get rid of some morning anger and will provide some relief for my poor worker buddies i find myself at the beginning point again. I'M HUNGRY! and i have half an hour until lunch time. This is proving to be a very long and hard day for everyone involved with me including my stomach. Stay tuned people, this could get ugly!

Have a good day peeps

Jess x

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