Thursday 18 August 2011


My consistent outbursts, lack of smiles and anger issues on this Friday Morning have had my colleagues plead with me to write a blog and get it our of my system. I however am unsure as to what is causing my morning mood swings. I have however narrowed it down to a number of things:

1. Hunger
2. Arriving at work later then normal
3. Tenants unable to think for themselves
4. Beenleigh Drivers

The first point is usually the reason for my mood swings. I eat alot, all the time and failing to do so results in me reverting to cave man style and grunting at everyone. I normally have my breakfast ready to go, preplanned and sorted. This morning however, i just didn't feel like eating my usual scrambled eggs and sausage so i took myself to Beenleigh Maccas and ordered a Hot chocolate and a toasted ham, cheese and tomato sandwich. Upon getting these items i took myself to work and had my sandwich and hot chocolate. However not only did the McDonald's attendants fail in the art of cutting a sandwich in two, they failed to live up to the HOT in the hot chocolate which was almost luke warm at best. For someone who loves their food and enjoys eating, this just irritated me which ensured my bad mood was here to stay.

Point 2 - I make a point of getting to work early, this is so i get settled, eat some food, plan my day, sort my desk, surf the net and in general get my head ready for whatever the day wishes to throw at me. With the Maccas debacle and waiting for AMART to turn up in their allocated 7:30am -8:00am time slot (which they didn't) i arrived at work at 22 past 8. Giving me little time to prepare myself. This is where my mood went south. I was late, unprepared and had crappy food!

Point 3 - I started to get over my food issue when i started getting calls from tenants about the most ridiculous items and items that were written in easy to understand black writing and simple english. By the end of these conversations my response to them was - Why am i wasting 60cents to send you a letter if your not going to read it and instead call me and have me read it to you like your a preschooler needing your afternoon book.

This brings me to Point 4 - A constant issue that is a pet hate of mine and only boils me up further if already in a mood, if your not confident on the road then stay off it. Some of us need to get to places on time and despite leaving early due to the Beenleigh drivers, i always end up late to wherever I'm headed. Sunday is for slow relaxing drives, not during the week in a busy town centre! Seriously people i past my driving test and have a good record, CLEARLY this proves driving is not hard!

While this has helped get rid of some morning anger and will provide some relief for my poor worker buddies i find myself at the beginning point again. I'M HUNGRY! and i have half an hour until lunch time. This is proving to be a very long and hard day for everyone involved with me including my stomach. Stay tuned people, this could get ugly!

Have a good day peeps

Jess x

Sunday 31 July 2011

Gays - Why the need for the act?

Why do Gay guys feel the need the carry on so feminine? Although i have no issue with people who like the same sex, i have an issue when they feel the need to portray someone else. The makeup, the clothes, the stance, the walk, the attitude the bitchyness, the hand motions and the theartrical sayings and voices. Again, i have no issue with someone finding love or comfort in the arms of someone of the same sex. I just feel that gay men portray this 'gay' idea of what a gay man should be and i believe this is why they have so many 'haters'
Is this the way that society has portrayed gays in film and stage so then all young gay men feel they must act this way because society tells them its how they should act? Spending hours on their hair and their need to wear eyeliner and foundation and their super tight clothes and shoes and their high pitched voices and over the top 'Sweetie' and 'Darl' etc etc.
Or is it that when created  men are given certain more 'pink water' then 'blue water' that makes them gay in the first place and then some are given even more 'pink water'  - making them essesentially a form of 'girl'? Is this why only certain amounts of gay men are into dancing and singing and over the top stage acting? Is it the creation that makes these guys a girl gay?
Or is it that being gay is still a very sacred thing and not completely accepted or allowed  - meaning not all gays have come out, leaving the gay nation smaller and more competitive then what it will be in years to come, making the 'current' open gays feel they need to pull out all stops in order to be noticed and stand out and be aknowledged as a gay man?
This world is full of homophobics and there is always an outcry when a gay is hurt or 'teased' but have they done this to themselves? Are gays picked on because of how over the top in your face they are rather then that they are infact into men? Would we be more accepting if they were just gay without all this added show and your everyday bloke whi just happens to have a boyfriend?
I for one believe this world would accept gays better if they dropped the drama, the makeup the attention seeking antics and false persona. I have personally seen how a gay man who is still your average man is treated compared to how a girly gay is treated - Worlds of difference, the normal (for use of a better word) gay is accepted in sporting teams, straight male circle of friends and can go about his worklife, daily life and social life without the neagtivity and lack of acceptance. The girly gays i have encounted have an outward 'happieness' in order to cope with the lack of acceptance in their lives, work, social, sporting and general daily life. They come across as 'super' in order to deal with the emotional and physical abuse that comes with their feminine attitudes.
One example of an over the top girl gay who truly does my head in and is one of the reasons why i cannot stand GLEE is the gay character on the show - Whether this is the way he must act or his true persona - He is not helping this gay stereotype one little bit!

I understand that this post may rub some people the wrong way and provide me with some colourful replies, however its something that needs to be put out there for myself to have a fuller understanding on why people (gays) feel the need to act this way. This post is not to offend or upset anyone in anyway.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Children.... Naughty or in need?

So i was sitting at the Dr's yesterday and was watching a disturbing scene play out in front of me that left me wondering - Are kids in fact naughtier these days OR are they in need of help AND should someone say something.  The situation from what i saw was a little boy about 4 or 5 waiting with his mother, the little boy was quite abusive towards her, punching her with such viciousness that it had all of us in the waiting room stunned. This child, was out to hurt his mother, the one solid person in his life, he was out to hurt. He proceeded to kick her in the shins with such force the poor woman was close to tears. This child was out of control until an older lady sat down and got involved. She was able to get him to stand with her and focus on a brochure, however once that focus was broken he was back to being a terror child. It made me wonder, is this something this child was born with and will forever be a danger to himself and others or is it what he has spent his few years witnessing via home life or TV or is that without proper parental guidance a child will act out in however way they can in order for attention? If its the first one, then what help is there to actually help this child and I'm not talking about days spent popping numerous 'drugs' for ADD or ADHD etc but help that is going to allow him to grow out of this destructive behaviour so he doesn't become the next prime time news? All children deserve the best start at life and being dependant on a drug for the rest of their lives, isn't curing the problem or allowing them a better life, its band-aiding it and providing the future with more miss fits and legal troubles. If its the second option then what sort of parental guidance is needed to prevent young impressionable minds watching violent TV or even worse watching violent behaviour at home. It is just a vicious cycle that will continue until someone makes the effort, comes up with a new teaching device that will help kids sort out what is right and wrong rather then having no guidance and learning what they see, assuming that its the right way and then grow to be violent towards their partner, kids or anyone they have a conflict with. If its the third option, then what is out there (other then DOCS) that actually care enough and able to monitor potential 'threat' situations where a parent does not have time, care or energy to properly parent and give a growing child the affection and right attention they so badly need and deserve?
It seems to me that everyone has given up on the human race and the daily struggles we all go through, especially the future of our world (the kids). The Dr's, the researchers and academics should be using their smarts and find a 'cure' the this ever increasing child violence and bad parenting before the world is full of jobless, uneducated thugs.

J x

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Property Manager Hats

I have decided to join the world of blogging. This decision came to me when 2 nights ago, i received very little sleep due to my brain failing to shut off. My head was comsumed with thoughts, ideas and some other very random items. Yesterday i wrote down some of these thoughts and was surprised at how well i slept last night. My brain was at peace. Hence my turn at blogging.......
I thought i would begin this new activity with some issues i have come across with being a Property Manager.
I get all the time 'your just a property manager' as though my job role is some what insignificant compared to others out there. I had dwelled on this comment for some time and it was only the other day my colleague was commenting on how many 'hats' we have to wear in this job and how much the job has evolved from 10 or so years ago.
For instance, we usually on a daily basis have to wear hats such as Relationship counsellor, Debt collector, Friend, Mother, Sister, Psychologist, Therapist, Financal adviser the list goes on. With all these hats we are never thanked or appreciated for the extra work we have put in for the tenants and the usual case is not only do they not thank us, they are back in here with another break up or general sob story  that we not them, have to sort out for them, they have no money due to paying a bill or buying food for their child or children..........
Alot of our tenants are on the lower pay side, meaning, they dont have a great deal to their name or to their homes. Most of our tenants make the most of this and its heart warming to see this, it makes me sit back and wonder what i have to worry or complain about, i have a roof over my head, a job that pays my bills and allows me to have a fun life, i have a partner who is there for me, i have a family who would never disown me and loves me no matter what, i have people in my life that i cherish and adore yet i still find myself complaining and whinging that i dont have this or that - This is when one of my down and out tenants come in, doing their best and i come crashing back down to earth and start to appreciate what i have. My tenants may not thank me for my help and i may have to wear a million hats to keep up with them and keep them on track but their thanks comes in a different form to words, they make me appreciate the life i have been given, they make me a better person and they make me better at my job for having to be a shoulder to cry on, a problem solver etc etc.
I have come to realise that it is actually me that needs to thank them for allowing me to see things clearer and for allowing me to grow and help someone without a benefit to myself.

I love my job and everything in entails, the drama, the issues, the laughter and sometimes the crying. My job is tough, its exhausting, its upsetting but its fantastic and rewarding in its own twisted little way. 

J x