Sunday 25 March 2012

The first and second nights at hospital and first night at home

We thankfully had an amazing midwife team, obstetrician and hospital to welcome our little man. The staff at Redlands mater hospital were not only experienced and professional but they were understanding, easy to talk to and still loved their job. The midwives we just amazing, we had a number of them see to us for different things while we were there and none of which I can fault. They looked after all food needs, all comfort needs, all health needs and answered all questions and didn't look down on us cause we were first timers. Our obstetrician dr mastry was amazing, throughout the whole delivery process and after he was supportive, sensitive and professional with a hint of humor. I would highly recommended him, the hospital and the midwives to anyone.
Now we were there for 2 nights and 3 days. First night we we still caught up in the brand new baby, we were exhausted and he didn't need a great deal so it was quite simple. The second day was filled with drs, midwives and lots of staring. The second night was the complete opposite of the first. He was unsettled, restless, vocal and hungry. We had a midwife come in at 4am to give him a relaxation bath and this plus his obvious exhaustion finally put him to sleep and gave us a chance to get some shut eye. This was until 730am when the dr visits, food drop offs begun. (the only downside to being in hospital) we had Jackson checked out and we we given the nod to be on our way. Packed and ready we discharged, put him in his little car seat and made the drive home. Little bit worried we would have a repeat of Tuesday night and this time we would have no help. Needless to say we we scared. Turns out we had no need to. With us being in a comfortable environment, able to work on our own schedule, sleeping in a real bed, our little man picked up on this change and was a gem, he fed, slept, fed, slept etc etc and was no drama at all. To sum it up, I would go through all the pain, all the worry, all the stress just to have him all over again. Every inch of it was worth it and none of which I'd take back. Cannot wait to continue experiencing, writing about and enjoying every little up and downs that may happen. X

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