Sunday 25 March 2012

The Arrival of baby Jackson (pumpkin)

So the little man has arrived! We went to the hospital on Monday the 19th March at 630am and sat in our designated hospital room waiting to go into the Birth suites. Sat in there for what felt like hours before our love.y midwife came in to let us know we were getting the ball rolling. This is when the panic really set in. Thousands of thoughts went through my head as we walked the short distance to the suite. In there I got changed into my super sexy hospital robe and was hooked up to the drip and the belts. The last time I would be hearing our baby's heartbeat while inside me.
Once hooked up the obstetrician attended and did his examination and broke my water. Now what a pleasant experience this was while laying in the bed with no whe to go. The contractions came on shortly after this and I think I may have died if Dayne hadn't of been in there with me while this was going on. I had sworn off any form of drug, attempting a completely natural drug free birth. Well the pain made me cry, sook, want to give up and work myself up so much I was ill! at this point I gave in and had some gas and an epidural. Thankfully the gas allowed me to cope with the needle, big sucker that is! And I calmed down and stopped feeling all contractions. This was good as I had given up on ever having a baby any other way then c section or adopting! However I couldn't feel any contractions, meaning both Dayne and I assumed all had stopped and disappointed we had some shut eye.
The obstetrician returned and advised we were in fact still contracting and actually ready to have a baby. This took us completely by surprised and just looked at each other in panic. I hadn't prepared myself for this next step as I assumed it was put on a later train! So it was a slight shock to hear our obstetrician say PUSH! EEP. The next half hour was a blur, I was pushing, short of breath,freaking out and excited. Again I could not have gone through this part without Dayne, he was super through it and made things a lot easier for me. I was up in all sort of positions and all dignity was well lost! The experience has cured me of my fear of being nude!
The last few pushes tested both me physically and mentally. I was tired and felt I couldn't push anymore but meeting my little boy was top of my priority and this thought alone got me through these last pushes.
Before I knew it he was on my chest, yep I cried. Couldn't help it. All the pain, struggle, sooking and drugs were long forgotten as I looked down at this crying little boy that Dayne and I had created. I was in love. Jackson Anthony Clarke had arrived, 2:46pm, 9pound 3. 53.5cm
Once this happened it was just so quick, he was taken to be cleaned, mum and dad and little brothers were there, daynes fam were there and then it was just Dayne, Jackson and I. We could finally embrace and bask in the arrival of our beautiful little man. And we were in love, he was gorgeous and perfect and just the most amazing little person to ever enter the world.

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